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Tribute to a real leader

In less than two weeks, my former superintendent, direct supervisor, and mentor will hang it up and turn in his keys jumping head first into retirement after serving the Shakopee, MN school district for 11 years.  He took over the reigns in Shakopee after being the superintendent in Mora, MN and in Rush City, MN along with several years as a teacher, coach, and building administrator in other places.  I will always think of Jon McBroom as a humble, authentic leader who spoke with the powerful authority of well-known and respected integrity and passion for doing what is right. Read more »


Some leaders get it done

Thanks to fellow blogger and school leader Dr. Robert Dillon, I ran across this Ted Talks video once again.  The message resonates loudly in my mind as I wrestle with the concepts of my current reads – Michael Fullan’s book Motion Leadership and his recent article illustrating new research on drivers of whole system reform in education.   Like it or not, it is indeed a time of major change in economics, technology and how we do education.  It is a time requiring courageous leadership that is grounded deeply in our core mission while also focused on creating a culture of innovation and personalization.  Leadership today demands being able to capture the realities of financial cuts and shifting national/state priorities as golden opportunities to tighten up our work.  This short presentation speaks to leading such changes and creating a culture of understanding, buy-in, and synergy. 

Up for the challenge?

2020: Coming to a school near you…

Knowledge Works has published an updated version of the 2020 Forecast!  This brief PDF document is packed with 21st century vision and sends my mind spinning into panic mode when I start thinking about the changes certain to impact how public schools do business today (and have for the past 100 years…).  A few deep breaths later (to re-grip and gather some perspective) leads to excitement and a sense of empowerment.  Not even our most seasoned elders leading districts today have witnessed a time with so many drivers of change aligned to create the perfect storm that is present today.  Indeed it is both a blessing and a curse.  Leading through difficult times of transition requires… well…  the heroic leadership that creates stories of heroism.  If you don’t think this is such a time, take a spin through the 2020 Forecast, subtract 2011 from 2020, and reflect on what how the changes described will play out in the number of years you came up with.  That’s no day on the beach for a leader of public education…  Read more »