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Make Your Magic!!

It’s Labor Day.  While others are settling in after a long weekend vacation, us educators are trying to figure out how to settle in and sleep knowing it’s a worthless cause.  In a few short hours the little people (and some quite big…) will invade and the purpose of our life journey will again take over our space.  And that’s how we like it – except on Labor Day night…

I wish all educators a wonderful year as we take on the transition from a system based on manufacturing to a system based on personalization.  Most important is to dial in on each student – What does he need?  Why does she see it that way?  How can I help her frame that and take the next step?

Tomorrow morning 2014-15 begins.  Have you bought your ticket?  I promise a very real show awaits – and I am a part of it!!!

Good night oh great America!!!